Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dear Birders...

Dear Birders,

Brandon here!  I have been birding for about the last six months and thus new to the scene. Pertaining photography, I am just beginning.  A vacation to Costa Rica in the summer of 2011 really captivated me in terms of birds and photography as a unified concept.

I started photography with a high end "point and shoot" camera in the Nikon Coolpix L120 with no intention of ever buying another camera.  After Costa Rica and moving to New Jersey, I have fallen "head of heels".  I have since graduated to the Canon 7D, which seems quite a step in the right direction.  I have a Canon EFS 55-250mm lens and I am saving up for the Canon 400mm or 300mm prime lens.  I currently compensate lens reach by being as stealthy as I can and getting as close to birds as possible without interfering with their business.  

Currently, I live in Hackensack, New Jersey.  Living in this beautiful and ecologically diverse has really pulled me in and other fellow birders from around here have inspired me to into birding and photography.  I have since birded in Bergen and Sussex counties in NJ, Rockland and Orange counties in upstate New York, Central Park in Manhattan and Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, NY.  I plan to go to Cape May, NJ in late October to see migrating passerines, raptors and shore birds.

Over the last few months I have been concentrating on warblers and learning how to photography them.  I have seen over a dozen species and that does NOT include birding during their last spring migration (which I unfortunately missed going out during the peak).  Most of the species I have seen and photographed thus far are resident and nesting.

I have six months left in this area before I move back to Iowa.  I plan on doing as much birding as I can in NJ and the area to close out this great "chapter" of my life.  The next chapter resume in Iowa (where I hear the birding is pretty good)  Thank God!

Above is a little treat that I have for everyone to start out my first ever blog.  Behold the Violet Sabrewing!  It is a large hummingbird found from southern Mexico all the way to western Panama.  This bird was filmed at Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve in Costa Rica in June of 2011.  Below is a link for anyone who wants to know more information about it.  The link about is the video in HD.

A link to information regarding the Violet Sabrewing.

Good Birding,

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